Terms of service

Greetings, and welcome to seoexpertkiran.in! All use of seoexpertkiran.in is subject to the following terms and conditions. We ask that you read all those terms and conditions, as they, along with seoexpertkiran’s Privacy Policy and Copyright or Ip Rights Infringement Notification Policy (both of which are embedded by relate in their arranged hereunder), form a contractual agreement between you and seoexpertkiran that governs your use of the Services.

  1. The Consultant and/or third parties own the trademarks, symbols, and service marks shown on the Site. Without the express consent of Provider or any third party who may hold the Marks, you are forbidden from using Marks for any reason, including but not restricted to utilising as metatags on other websites or Services on the Web.
  2. Copyright protects all of the information and material on the Site. Any Content available on or via the Site may not be modified, copied, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, sold, licenced, created creative works, or used for business or social purposes.
  3. The content, material, products, and service descriptions displayed on the Site or a linked Page may contain omissions or grammatical mistakes, for which Consultant expressly denies all responsibility. The content on the Website is not guaranteed to be full or up-to-date by the Provider.
  4. The Provider is not obligated to keep the content on the Site up to date. Provider has the right to make changes to the Site’s content at any point without any notice. The Provider has the right to make changes or modifications to the Site at any time.
  5. At its professional judgment, Provider may reassign this agreements in whole or in partial without your approval.
  6. The materials and content on the Site’s webpages are provided solely for your general knowledge and use. It is possible to change over time without prior notification.
  7. This Page may provide links to other websites by permitting you to depart this Site to acquire third-party content or by using inverse hyperlinks and frame technologies to integrate third-party content inside this Site. The material on a linked Site is not subject to change, modification, or monitoring by the Provider.
  8. Provider does not support or accept responsibility for the accuracy or credibility of any other party’s comment, suggestion, or statement expressed on the Site, any content offered on connected Sites, or the qualities or validity of any product or service received from a connected Site.
  9. This restriction applies to the transmission of any malware that may infect your devices, the inability of electronic or mechanical equipment or communications networks, telephone or interconnect issues, unauthorised access, theft, operator errors, or other labor disputes, among other things. Provider cannot and does not promise that access to the Site will be ongoing, unimpeded, or safe.
  10. As a part of your use of this Website, you may opt to enter into a contract or offer with the Provider for the creation of sales, and in that case, the terms of that agreement or offer, to the level they vary from these General Terms of Use, shall govern. If any section of the Basic Terms of Use is found to be unlawful or illegal, that provision will be modified or removed to the bare minimum required to keep the Basic Conditions of Use in full force and effect and lawful.
  11. Any content or resources on the Provider Site are used at your personal risk, for which we are not responsible. You are solely responsible for ensuring that any items, services, or information obtained from this Site satisfy your unique needs.
  12. If we ascertain, in our sole discretion, that you have infringed or violated any Term, we may discontinue your licence to use these Assistance, in whole or in part, including your right to use any Products, without giving any refund or suspending your obligation to make instalment payments where applicable, without delivering any refund or cancelling your obligation to make additional payments.